The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops published a document titled "Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us" to address the topic of faith formation in adults. They surfaced challenges that define the very essence of the vast differences in all adults but still remain confident in the knowledge that, "Disciples young and old are called by name to go into the vineyard. In responding to this call, adults 'have the greatest responsibilities and the capacity to live the Christian message in its fully developed form.'" Their formation in faith is essential for the Church to carry out its mandate to proclaim the Good News of Jesus to the world. Effective adult formation is necessary to "equip the holy ones for the work of ministry" (Eph 4:12). [taken from Part I of the document]
The Third Edition of the Roman Missal has been implemented! There are wonderful studies for small faith sharing communities and individual study available! For more information or assistance in nurturing your adult faith, please contact Bridgit Goedeke in the Office of Fatih Formation.