Saint Mark Roman Catholic Church


Current Liturgical Ministers Schedule

Who is responsible for our Liturgy’s?

Liturgy is the work of the Whole Church, the entire Body of Christ-- Priests, Deacons, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Alter Servers, Sacristans, the Sanctuary Society and Ushers, as well as the worshiping assembly gathered in the pews at each Mass. Each member of the assembly assists in the celebration through their active participation and prayer.

What is the job of the Liturgy Committee?

The Liturgy Committee is a standing committee of the Pastoral Council. Its purpose is to work, along with the guidance and consultation of the Pastor, to provide an increasingly open, prayerful, affirming and enlivening style of worship. With the Pastor the Liturgy Committee may plan special liturgies throughout the year and is involved in the worship each Sunday and Holy Days.

The Ministries addressed by the Liturgy Committee are as follows:

If you would like to attend the Liturgy Committee meetings or become more involved with Liturgy in any of these Ministries, please contact the Rectory at 410-879-9110.