General Youth Ministry Permission Form
Steubenville Summer Youth Conference Registration Flyer
High School Ski-Trip: St. Mark will be heading to Roundtop Ski Resort on January 14th, 2012. This trip is open to students in grades 9-12. Download the registration form above and get signed up.
March for Life Youth Rally: The March for life Youth Rally is sponsored each year by the Archdiocese of Washington D.C. in conjunction with the annual March for Life. This is an inspiring trip to our nation’s capital to make a positive statement about our concern for life from conception to natural death. Contact the Youth Ministry Office to Sign up.
Franciscan University of Steubenville Summer High School Youth Confrence:Each summer St. Mark takes students entering 9th grade - graduating seniors to Franciscan University of Steubenville for their High School Summer Youth Conference. This weekend conference is filled with a lot of fun, music, inspiring speakers, and of course plenty of Mass and Eucharistic Adoration. This conference is a sure way to start your summer off right. Fill out the registration form above to sign up and claim your space.
Middle School Youth Ministry Nights: St. Mark now has a night dedicated soely to Middle Schoolers! Come and check out what all the hype is about! We will meet once a month on a Tuesday evening (usually the 3rd Tuesday of the month) from 6:30pm-8:30pm. We will have fun and grow in friendship and faith in a casual and relaxed atmosphere. Check the bulletn and parish calendar for the next MSYM night! Please note: parents must sign youth in and out at drop-off and pick-up time.
High School Youth Ministry Nights: St. Mark now has a High School Youth Ministry Night for anyone in grades 9-12 to come and kick it with their friends in a relaxing and non-judgemental atmosphere. We will be doing diffrent thigns every night but we will always have fun and pray together! Check the parish bulletin or web-site for the next upcoming date and come on out for a chill night at chuch.
EXULT: An XLT or eXuLT is an evening dedicated to middle and high school youth and their families. The evening consists of Vigil Mass (counts for Sunday), Dinner, a talk or presentation, and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with praise and worship music. The evening is directed towards teens but ALL are welcome to attend. The date of the next EXULT will be announced soon.