Saint Mark Roman Catholic Church


Becoming fully received into the Catholic Church

What does RCIA mean?

“Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults”

Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic Church?

Are you a baptized Catholic who has been away from active membership in the church and wish to return?

Are you feeling that the Lord is calling or urging you to come to him?

Do you any have concerns about the possibility of your joining the church?

Then we invite you to come and be part of our RCIA journey. Read the brief outline below. We'll be glad to call and extend a personal invitation and to answer any of your questions.

Each year, many people come to a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through the Catholic Church. The RICA process here at St. Mark's provides a personal, gentle, guided journey for those adults wishing to learn more about and join in full communion with the Church.

Here at St. Mark's, our team members, Catechumens and Candidates meet together each Monday evening at 7:00 P.M. At these meetings, we share prayer, faith experiences, study Church teachings, traditions and beliefs. In addition to these meetings, there are periodic liturgical rites which are celebrated as the Catechumens and candidates proceed to an understanding of faith and love as Catholic men and women to be.

In 1988 the Catholic Bishops of the United States directed that adults wishing to become Catholics do so as set forth in The RICA (Rite of Initiation for Christian Adults) process stresses the connection between the three sacraments of Christian initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. At the annual Easter Vigil mass, the elect (adults who have completed the process and make the decision to become Catholic) are welcomed into the church with the reception of these sacraments of initiation.

The members of our RCIA look forward to meeting you and walking with you on this journey.

If you would like to know more about this process and begin a new path in your faith journey, e-mail or call Charlotte Henderson at 410-879-8881 or send in the RCIA Information Form.